Eat a Rainbow Everyday says Dr Deepa Agarwal, Best Dietician in Hyderabad

Whilst theres no one particular food or nutrient that gives us everything we need, likewise, no *one* colour provides all the available nutritional power either. Every colour found in food, whether its green, red, purple, blue, yellow, and even white, reveals something nutritionally quite unique. By choosing a variety of colour in the diet, preferably at each meal, we can all be sure of enjoying a rich and varied spectrum of nutrients. For those who find nutritional science intimidating, or worst, eating by the colours is not only more appealing, its easy as ABC. Often the best advice to give is simply to eat the rainbow every day!

Greens and Blues – Avocado, watercress and blueberry smoothie
Reds, oranges and yellows – Slices banana, papaya and mango, topped with fresh pomegranate seeds
Reds, oranges and yellows – Carrot, tomato and red chilli soup, with a baked sweet potato and radicchio salad
All greens – Salad of baby spinach and lamb’s lettuce, with avocado, pumpkin seeds, chopped cucumber, sliced courgette and green olives
White – white bean hummus with raw cauliflower florets
Green – Nori seaweed wraps filled with sliced avocado, alfalfa and sliced cucumber
White and purple – Stir fry of onion, garlic, mushrooms, purple sprouting brocolli, red and white cabbage, with mixed white beans and kedney beans
A full rainbow meal – Leafy green salad of romaine lettuce, watercress and chicory, topped with avocado, cucumber, red and yellow pepper, carrot, courgette, tomato . . . and garnished with arame seaweed strips, Nori flakes, chopped mint and pomegranate seeds.
Blues – Freshly sliced purple figs with blueberry and blackberry sorbet


Get personalized Diet Consultations Today!! For more details consult Dr Deepa Agarwal, Nutritionist at 9940220005 #bestdieticianinhyderabad #drdeepaagarwal #weightloss #weightlossjourney #dietplan #dietplanforweightloss #nutritionist


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