The Lenten Diet is completely spiritual in nature. The Lenten Diet takes place for 40 days out of the year […]
Eat a Rainbow Everyday says Dr Deepa Agarwal, Best Dietician in Hyderabad Whilst theres no one particular food or nutrient […]
Irregular Periods…….Eating Too Little or Exercising Too Much could be the reason says Dr Deepa Agarwal, Best Dietician in Hyderabad. […]
Secret belly-fat burner: Calcium Low-Fat Milk, Low-Fat Yogurt or Swiss cheese A review of more than 90 studies in the journal Nutrition […]
What is Keto Diet??? A Keto diet involves removing (or significantly reducing) your carbohydrate intake. It’s a diet that consists […]
Weight Loss Tips!!! Eat a high-protein breakfast. Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice. Drink water a half hour before meals. Choose weight loss-friendly […]
The truth is that potatoes can either make you fat or help you lose weight. Even though some of the […]
Track what you eat using an app or a journal Find out what drives you to eat (stress, anxiety, sadness, […]
Eating certain foods and limiting others can help people with diabetes manage their blood sugar levels. A diet rich in […]
Common Question asked for #Weight Loss and #Diabetes Management?  Should the focus of nutrition therapy for type 2 diabetes be […]